James Fallows on Google+

I’ve been a bit caught up with Google+ lately. Mostly because I know a number of people working at Google at the moment, and I’m curious to see where this goes. James Fallows has some thoughts:

One of the immediate appeals is how quick, ergonomically easy, and aesthetically nice it is to set up “circles” that match the natural patterns of your real life. One for immediate family, one for “friends you actually know,” another for “professional acquaintances who are sort of friends,” etc. Or by interest. In my case: airplane people, beer people, China people, tech people, Atlantic people, NPR people, etc. This is technically possible with Facebook “lists” but more of a chore. And, just like in life, one person can be in more than one “circle.”

James also posted this open source Google+ guide, a collaboration between hundreds of users to help us get started.