An Iowa Man…

The other day I posted a link to my friend’s new blog: A Florida Man. If you missed it, read about it here. Or just start reading the blog. Well, I promise I won’t do this too often, but this beer related one’s too good to pass up: An Iowa man completed his Lent-long beer fast on Sunday, marking the occasion with a bacon smoothie. During the 46-day feat, J. Wilson consumed only beer and water, emulating a centuries-old tradition once practiced by the Paulaner monks of Munich, Germany. How long could a man survive on beer and water? Not more than a few months, probably. That’s when the worst effects of scurvy and protein deficiency would kick in. (Liver disease

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Guest Bloggers

For those of you who were surprised to see from the last post that I’m in Law School, check the post author! It was my good friend James Spector, who will be occasionally entertaining us with some guest posts. I originally introduced James here.

My New Favorite Website

I sincerely apologize for the lengthy interval between this and my last post.  I blame law school, too many beers or a combination of the two.  Similar to Charlie Sheen’s negotiations to return to Two and a Half Men, I’m back with a vengeance. Have you checked out ? You haven’t?  I’m shocked. Seriously.  Step up your game people. Essentially it offers an interactive wikipedia-esque experience, using audio-visuals to convey an overview of the most important details of your query. According to the website, Qwiki’s goal is to forever improve the way people experience information. Whether you’re planning a vacation on the web, evaluating restaurants on your phone, or helping with homework in front of the family Google TV,

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Where Do MBA Students Live?

Before, during, and after school? The Financial Times has a great map showing this distribution by nationality. It’s a bit tough to navigate at first, but click the country you’re interested in, then click each of the radio buttons to see the geographic movement: A few observations: Israelis don’t tend to go home after graduating, the Chinese do, and Dutch people rarely come to the US for school.