View of the World

This morning, at my friend’s place in Chicago, I saw this cartoon hanging on the wall: It’s a famous cartoon from the March 1976 New Yorker cover. Classic. Later today, I saw this: As far as I’m concerned, the Mass Pike goes all the way to South Dakota!

On The Road

I’m in Michigan at the moment, on the first leg of my road trip out to the Bay area for the summer. It turns out you can get a car wash in Detroit for $2. Here are some highlights from my stop by Niagara Falls earlier today: Blogging may be less frequent than usual over the next week and a half, depending on how often I can find (or want to find) a decent internet connection.


Earlier today I shot some footage of a ship going through the Panama Canal. I sped it up 16x and added some Van Halen so any viewers don’t fall asleep!

Seven Nine Eight

I shot some pictures last weekend in Beijing’s 798 art zone. It’s an area filled with decommissioned military factory buildings that has become a thriving art community. Here are a few of the highlights: Thanks to the Esnaola sisters for bringing me here and showing me around, as I never would have found it on my own.

Pictures of Guangzhou

The river. The bridge looks like a copy of the Zakim Bunker Bill Memorial Bridge: More river, looking the other way: Our hotel: More hotel: Flying a kite: Sunset. You can see the Canton Tower in the background: The street at sunset: The Canton Tower, which is the 7th tallest structure in the world: View from the top of the Canton Tower: Another view from the top. The city looks like some futuristic space colony: From the river: Another bridge:

Civilized Shenzhen Warm Homestead

I spent yesterday afternoon in the city of Shenzhen, a manufacturing hub in China where among many other things, iPhones and iPad are made. I was fairly surprised to find no factories at all in the city proper. Instead there were wide newly paved boulevards, endless rows of some of the largest skyscrapers I have ever seen, modern subway stations, offices, shopping malls, city parks, restaurants, and western hotels. It turns out that by some measures, Shenzhen is the 12th largest city in the world. I was there to attend a buyer-manufacturer conference for a research project I’m working on. It was an event held at a Westin hotel, where buyers representing international brands from all over the world come to find

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Happy St. Patty’s Day

For anyone wondering what happens on St. Patty’s day in China, it’s not so different from St. Patty’s day in the States. This is where I am planning to be this evening: I have yet to visit a large city that does not have a cliché Irish Pub.