One Month Rails Update

As previously mentioned, I’ve begun the One Month Rails course to learn a little bit about coding. Unfortunately, given some time constraints, it’s looking more like it will be a Three Month Rails course. I’m about a third of the way in, and so far, I like it a lot. The quality isn’t impressive, the narrator isn’t too polished, and there are lots of small mistakes or oversights (especially for PC users), but the method is great. It’s much more practice than theory, providing only the necessary context, while putting focus on resources, tools, frameworks, etc that are necessary to build applications (e.g., using GitHub). The benefit of this approach is that within less than an hour, you already have

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Learning to Code (Kind of)

Aside from playing around with visual basic over the years (I coded a configurable metronome in 1997 and a number of other simple windows-based apps), and learning just enough HTML and CSS to know which questions to Google to run a few websites, I can’t by any reasonable definition code. A colleague recently suggested that we take the One Month Rails class in our free time (of which I seem to have less and less), to learn some Ruby on Rails basics. It’s essentially a video and exercise online class. I like the idea. I don’t have any far fetched illusions that I’ll become a competent coder in the near future (or likely ever). But as coding becomes increasingly important

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