Lightroom 5 Preset: Behind the Scenes

It’s been a while, but here’s my seventh free Lightroom 5 preset, Behind the Scenes. I’ve gotten lots of positive feedback on the first six, so thanks to everyone who’s given my presets a try. This one is actually quite similar to Speakeasy, but it brings out quite a bit more detail in the shadows, which is great for wildlife shots. Here’s my first example, a bird landing in the water: Some monkeys doing monkey things: And a tree in Boston’s esplanade: Here’s the download: Lightroom 5 Preset: Behind the Scenes To install it in Lightroom, simply right click any preset, select import, and then select the downloaded preset file.

My New Photography Website

Over the past two weeks I’ve put together a new photography website with my portfolio as well as some selected galleries. The site is, and it’s now up and running. Here’s a slideshow preview containing some of my portfolio: I’d love to hear any thoughts, ideas, or comments on the site. Hope you enjoy.

West Village Shots

I spent some time in NYC over the holidays, and had a chance to do some shooting in the West Village with my new wide angle lens. Here are a few of the highlights: Thanks to Adam Perlis for the help. Adam also put together a short video with some footage he shot the same day.